What our clients say about working with us

Real experiences of our support

  • “Without this help I would have sunk deeper into depression. I’d got to the stage where I didn’t care about my job, this has helped keep my mind focused on the important things. I’ve never spoken to anyone about mental health before and in doing so I have learned some good things about how to relax and stay calm.”

  • “You gave me a lot of confidence and you were a massive part of helping me pass that exam. I’ve been on my own since July and I'm loving it. So happy and thanks again for all your help and believing in me!”

  • “Taking that first step to get in touch with them was a turning point for me, I was actually proud of myself that I was finally doing something to help, and I was on the right path to getting some help. I have come such a long way after months of sessions so far and I cannot thank them enough.”

  • “I think this service is incredible and I wouldn’t be where I am without it and I wouldn’t of gotten this far without it either. I was in such a bad place but now I'm feeling more and more positive daily.”

  • “I felt understood, listened to, supported and not judged. The counsellor helped me to set goals, reflect on my progress and adapt and change my behaviour in a supportive and encouraging way. She made me feel that I had value and worth, and that my views and experiences were important.”

  • “The service brought home how I’d been running on less than empty and how to stop.  I felt cared for as an individual and treated with care and compassion.”

  • “The counsellor working with me has been amazing, supportive without taking control, she has enabled me to look at my worries and tasks in a more realistic manner, taking small steps to complete them successfully, this is both in relation to the workplace and to my personal life issues.”

  • “I have really appreciated the sessions with my counsellor. She has helped me realise that maybe my brain does not work in a neurotypical way, and has helped me consider strategies to use in the workplace to help with this. Having the outlet to talk about the stress of the job with someone neutral was also very helpful.”