Counselling Support for your Employees

Confidential and professional support for your employees from experienced counsellors

How can Counselling support your employees?

Our counselling and talking therapies team can support your people to overcome psychological barriers on their journey back to employment, or support them to remain in sustainable employment. 

Counselling and Talking Therapies can typically help someone cope with: 

  • Mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression, 

  • Work related stress, 

  • Bereavement, 

  • Relationship breakdowns and personal issues, 

  • Challenging emotions such as anger or low self-esteem, 

  • Barriers such as low confidence or motivation, 

  • Past traumas 

We have a spectrum of counselling and talking therapy based interventions available. Don’t worry, we don’t expect you to know which one is needed. Just send the referral over and leave the rest to us.

The sessions are done remotely via either phone or video consultation, giving your staff the flexibility, privacy and comfort of their own home.   

Ethical Practices

All of our Team of Health Professionals are registered with professional bodies and they adhere to strict professional guidelines and regulations. At the outset we will work with your employee to agree what you and they want to achieve from Therapy.

If your employees needs cannot be met by our services we will signpost you to appropriate services, and if there are any issues related to safeguarding & risk we will take the appropriate action in relation to involving other services to keep your employee and other people safe.

What are the benefits to your business?

For some people, they would prefer alternate support to NHS services and we understand this.

As an employer, you can help ensure your people are getting the right support at the right time by referring them privately to us.

When referring, you might not actually be aware of the underlying issues someone is dealing with at the time, but as long as they consent to a referral to us we can initiate discussions in a confidential non-judgemental way.

If we feel the referral isn’t the most appropriate, we will happily signpost you to the right services.

Although we won’t be able to disclose confidential information from the sessions themselves, we will ensure that you are kept in informed and give prior approval for any sessions before they take place.


  • Counselling is a talking therapy that involves speaking to a trained professional about thoughts, feelings and behaviours. There are different types of counselling, psychotherapy and talking therapies, but the main aim for all types of therapy is to:

    • Give an opportunity to talk through problems, make sense of things and increase self-awareness, including our strengths.

    • Allowing the time and space, in a safe place, to talk without any judgement.

    • Support to better manage or resolve complicated feelings.

    • Help to recognise unhelpful patterns in thought or behaviour, identify areas to change, and support with achieving goals.

  • Clients come to us with wide-ranging problems, including:

    • Anxiety including generalised anxiety problems, panic attacks, social anxiety

    • Bereavement, grief and loss

    • Depression including suicidal thoughts, low mood, social withdrawal

    • Low self-esteem and lack of confidence

    • Phobias and fears

    • Relationship issues including breakups, divorce, life adjustments

    • Trauma

    • Workplace issues including stress, work-life imbalances

  • The counsellor provides a safe environment to explore issues and work towards the client’s goals. The counsellor will use reflection and compassion to support the individual, and provide helpful tools where appropriate along the way.

  • Improving employee mental health can have a profound impact on confidence and performance in the workplace as they address and manage stress. Improved employee wellbeing also reduces absences as they build resilience and confidence in their ability to overcome challenges.

  • Click on the button below to enquire about our packages and more information about referring your employees for support. We would be happy to answer any questions you have and look forward to hearing from you.