How Poor Health Can Impact Your Body, Mind, and Work
We often hear that not taking care of ourselves can impact on our mental and physical health, this can then affect our ability to be our best at work.
But how does an unhealthy lifestyle truly impact us?
What is an unhealthy lifestyle?
Health is typically an individual topic. However, many healthy acts are things that can be shared amongst others. For example, if you were to continually eat fast food as your main source of energy, then you would be depriving yourself of key vitamins and nutrients.
This means that your body doesn’t have what it needs to keep running at an optimum level. You may find yourself more susceptible to illness, lethargic and irritable.
So, when we’re talking about an unhealthy lifestyle, we’re discussing a lifestyle that doesn’t empower your body but actually hinders it.
How can it impact your life?
We briefly touched on one of the ways your body can be impacted by a lack of nutrients.
However, your mental health is also affected by an unhealthy lifestyle.
If you’re not managing to sleep regularly… then you may find yourself susceptible to heightened anxiety, a lack of focus, and in some cases, hallucinations.
If you’re not managing to exercise regularly… beyond the physical affects, you may find that you are more depressed than usual, lacking energy, and your memory and concentration is affected.
There are various other areas that you may be struggling with in regards to an unhealthy lifestyle. This may include substance or alcohol misuse. If you need help with addictions or any substance issues, then explore Mind.
How can it impact your work?
For many, when their personal life is in tatters, this reflects in their work life. So, if your body and mind aren’t the best they could be, then this could impact on your work.
This could manifest in the form of holding you back from a promotion, making you stagnant, or struggling to focus and concentrate.
It may seem like catastrophising, however, if you aren’t getting enough sleep then you won’t be able to focus as clearly. If you can’t focus as clearly, then your attention span may dip at work.
It is these subtle instances that make the biggest difference in our life.
If you’re interested in looking at your health in more ways, then head to the OH One Minds website.